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Return to Play


•    Ensure proper separate or staggered access and egress for individuals attending.
•    Arrive to the court already changed and ready to play
•    After going to the toilet, thoroughly wash hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap or alcohol gel (minimum 60% ethanol or 70% is propanol) 
•    No handshakes, high fives or other contact, Social distancing rules apply, (currently 2 metres distance) 
•    Avoid touching high-contact surfaces such as door handles, benches, chairs etc. 
•    The coach should not move freely between pods but rather oversee the activity of the pods keeping social distance as much as possible.
•    A coach should not work within the 2m rule in a pod, but if they do enter the pod they must be counted as one of the “Pod” and they must not leave that pod and enter another.
•    Ball washing or wiping down with wipes should be done prior to starting. 


During Training/Playing 

•    All HSE, Basketball Ireland, Government and child protection guidelines are adhered to.
•    Face masks for coaches, support staff and officials must be used
•    A single ball should be used by one pod for training session.
•    Use of bibs washed or bibs brought directly by the player should be used
•    No shared towels. 
•    No shared water bottles. 
•    No ‘crates’ of water to be provided by coaches. 
•    No handshakes, high fives, team training is allowed in line with Basketball rules. 
•    Have plenty of hand sanitiser available courtside with regular stoppages (the recommendation is every 30 minutes) for application. 
•    Social distancing rules apply for non-participants. 
•    Basketball rules apply within the training environment but maintenance of 2-meter distancing rule still in place for non-participants.. 
•    Players should clean ball before and after training. 
•    Once team practices commence, it is recommend that the wiping balls be done every 30 minutes. 


After Training/Games 

•    Immediate hand washing or hand sanitizing for a minimum of 20 seconds.
•    Ball washing/wiping at the end of the session – everyone to wash their own. 
•    Advised against changing at the venue  
•    No congregating at the venue after your game. 
•    No handshakes, high fives or other bodily contact. 
•    Carpooling not recommended. 

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